Our map is available to any aspiring Cuba traveler. You can view the high-res version below. |
Our map combines information from a wide array of sources (English-language guidebooks, Spanish-language restaurant sites, Cuba travel blogs, etc). In particular, we put a lot of effort into finding places where we would want to eat —where to eat lunch in Havana Vieja away from the crowds, where to go for a special dinner, where to grab a drink with the best views over the Malecon, and so on. Cuban cuisine doesn’t have the best reputation, but we followed our map and we ate really well.
A few notes about what our map includes (and doesn’t include):
- Sights: It lists the major sights in Havana Vieja along with a brief description. I’d recommend bringing along a Havana history guide to learn more about specific locations.
- Museums: It lists the major Havana museums, most of which we found to be worthwhile.
- Restaurants: This is where our map shines. We present a carefully curated list of restaurants and include sample dishes, decor, and contact information. We include must-visit culinary destinations and fallbacks, for when its 2pm and you're starving.
- Tourist traps: We’re not really into following the tourist hordes so you won’t find Bodeguita del Medio on our map (you’ll know when you’re there because of the throngs of people gathered outside at all hours).
Here’s a brief overview of our itinerary:
- Day 1: Vintage car tour + Havana Vieja (including Plaza de la Catedral de San Cristobal, Taller Experimental de Gráfica, the Plaza de Armas, Calle Mercaderes, Calle Obispo)
- Day 2: Havana Vieja (including Almacenes de San José craft market), Capitolio, Paseo de Prado, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes
- Day 3: Museo de la Revolución, Centro Havana, Malecón, evening in Vedado (La Torre, Cafe Laurent, La Zorra y el Cuervo)
- Day 4: Day trip to Vinales
- Day 5: Rum and cigar shopping + El Cocinero + Fabrica del Arte Cubano
- Day 6: Castillo de los Tres Reyes + last-minute activities
More detailed information about our trip:
If you spot any errors in the map, please let us know in the comments.
Note: Direct flights to Cuba are now available from the United States. Travel restrictions for U.S. citizens are still in place, but travelers claiming the people-to-people license no longer have to travel as part of an approved tour group.
Where do you recommend staying (hotel or air bnb)